Legal Notice Gazettes.

Receive publications from official and legal gazettes through the ESPAIDER system.

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Espaider Law Firm.

The perfect solution for medium and large law firms. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀Find out what ESPAIDER can do for your business.

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Total mobility.

Access ESPAIDER from anywhere and anytime.

DocSite Contract Drafts.

Simultaneous collaborative text editing and ease to create and maintaining default models for general use.

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Fácil Datacenter.

Host ESPAIDER safely in good hands.

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Fácil DocSite.

Management of digital documents.
Integration with Microsoft Office and other facilities for inserting and searching for files.

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Fácil Capture Service.

Capture of Movements
Capture of Matters Identification Data
Capture of Documents
Receive the information directly on your ESPAIDER.

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Espaider Corporate.

The best management system for legal departments.

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Web Services Integrator
Fácil Signature.

Effective integration with electronic signature products.

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Customer reviews


" The Predictive Analysis of Movements (Parker) allows us to forward 100% of the processes on the very day of their publication. Since many deadlines are tight, some with five days, for example, each day that the lawyer takes to receive the task is one less day to work. Parker does't let the delay in handling publications compromise deadlines. "

Wagner Martins Ramos / Pipek, Penteado e Paes Manso Advogados Associados


" When I was in Blumenau to find out more about Fácil, we paid a visit to the company and took note of the details of their structure and solutions. We analyzed other products, compared their functions and confirmed that Espaider ticked all the boxes. "

Valéria Melo de Andrade / Grupo Yamaha do Brasil


" We must focus on what we know to do best. Fácil is a company specialized in technological solutions and is prepared to provide a safe data storage structure, with redundancy and guarantees that bring a peace of mind to its customers. "

Alexandre Lauria Dutra / Pipek, Penteado e Paes Manso Advogados Associados


" From our evaluation, we saw how the company has profited in a big way from Espaider. Beyond saving lawyers’ time and increasing productivity, the system also generated information for the executive board to aid decision-making. "

Kenimar Aparecida Cândido Borges / Caramuru Alimentos


" Not only it has a digitalized base of documents, Espaider also allowed for the management of information, activities and relationships with internal customers. It even made possible for the Legal Department to be evaluated for its compliance with the company’s demands. "

Alencar Guilherme Lehmkuhl / Tigre


" The system links the issue of service invoices to the city government, which we considered one of its most interesting points. In fact, this has a key role even with the clients who receive the document automatically in their inboxes. "

Eleine Pisetta / Nemetz, Kuhnen, Dalmarco & Pamplona Novaes Advocacia


" Legal Notices Gazettes is one of the most fundamental functions in the office’s routine as it directly links the publications of federal and legal registers to Espaider, which makes it possible to receive them by mail. This is fundamental for controlling procedural progress and deadlines. In addition to being more practical, this automation provides greater control for the panel’s operations. "

Eleine Pisetta / Nemetz, Kuhnen, Dalmarco & Pamplona Novaes Advocacia


" Espaider was the only system capable of performing the intended management functions, with a strong focus on data for analyzing results and reliable legal indicators. "

Sérgio Carneiro Rosi / Rosi Rajão Sociedade de Advogados


" Financial data migration was carried out safely and quickly and provided very high-quality monitoring of functions as well as the integration of the system. It was simple and easy to understand while still respecting the specificities of each demand. "

Eleine Pisetta / Nemetz, Kuhnen, Dalmarco & Pamplona Novaes Advocacia


" Espaider is a very important tool for cell productivity because it gathers all information in one place so that everyone can monitor what is being done in terms of deadlines and proceedings. The cell system together with Espaider has allowed us to accomplish a huge evolution in process governance. We are very satisfied with it. "

Leonardo Collesi Lyra Jubilut / Jubilut Advogados